Privacy Policy

We collect and manage your personal information as described on this page.

Information we collect

We may ask you to provide personal information through this site. We will only do this to provide you this site's service.

We only collect:

We do not collect:

We will not add you to a mailing list, or give your personal information to third parties, unless required by law.


We will only use cookies to identify you once you have logged in. These cookies will be used to provide you with this site's service. No cookies will be used if you have not logged in.


Your information is stored in one of the most secure data centers available today. The data centers and networks are architected to protect your information from unauthorised access.

Date of births and other passwords are stored in a salted and hashed format, making it practially impossible to decrypt.

This site transmits as much information as possible securely across the internet. However this is not always feasible. We recognise that there may be risks transmitting information across the internet. We will notify you where personal information is not transmitted securely.

Where we process your personal information

Your information will be processed and stored within Australia.